SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
TA code | A14.1.07.406 |
Entity ID number | THA:5749 |
FMA identifier | FMA:72249 |
Type of entity | Composite material entity |
Language |
TA98 Latin preferred term | nuclei cerebelli |
TA98 English equivalent | cerebellar nuclei |
Properties |
![]() |
This entity has left and right instances. |
![]() |
This entity usually consists of multiple similar entities. |
Notes |
TA98 footnote | Nuclei cerebelli The terms "dentate," "emboliform," "globose," and "fastigial" are used for the nudei of the human cerebellum and, frequently, for these nuclei in nonhuman primates. The terms "lateral," "anterior interpositus," "posterior interpositus," and "medial cerebellar nuclei" are, respectively, synonymous with the above terms and are commonly used to describe the cerebellar nuclei in nonprimate mammals and, occasionally, in primates. Rudeberg S.-I. 1961. Morphogenetic Studies on the Cerebellar Nuclei and their Homologization in Different Vertebrates Including Man. Diss., Tornblad Institute of Comparative Embryology and Institute of Zoology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden: pp. 1-148. |
TA98 Hierarchy |
A01.0.00.000 |
A14.0.00.000 |
A14.1.00.001 |
A14.1.03.001 |
A14.1.03.002 |
A14.1.03.004 |
A14.1.07.001 |
A14.1.07.406 |
nuclei cerebelli
A14.1.07.407 | |
A14.1.07.408 | |
A14.1.07.409 | |
A14.1.07.410 | |
A14.1.07.411 |
FMA Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 |
anatomical entity
FMA:61775 |
physical anatomical entity
FMA:67165 |
material anatomical entity
FMA:67135 |
anatomical structure
FMA:82472 |
cardinal organ part
FMA:14065 |
organ component
FMA:83153 |
organ component of neuraxis
FMA:83680 |
gray matter component of neuraxis
FMA:223151 |
internal gray matter component
FMA:84059 |
nuclear complex of neuraxis
FMA:72249 |
cerebellar nuclear complex
Date: 29.01.2013 |